Sustainability in Action in Logan!

Sustainability In Action - hosted by the Department of State Development and Infrastructure (DSDI) SEQ South Office and supported by Logan Chamber of Commerce / Logan City Council and held at The Diggers Services Club was aimed to help Logan SMEs understand and implement sustainable practices. ♻️

Aboriginal Elder - Aunty Robyn Williams opened the Event with some thought provoking words encouraging the involvement of First Nations People and their thousands of years of knowledge of the land.

The event featured an inspiring presentation from Larissa Rose (@GG Enviro) our key note speaker and Councillor Miriam Stemp highlighting the importance of sustainability for businesses and the community and just how important it is to start the journey now in readiness for what is to come.

Our very own Royston Kent participated in a fireside chat with Larissa Rose of GG Enviro discussing B & C's sustainability journey so far and sharing our wins, struggles, and future goals.

A Big Thank You To:

All of the agencies involved for their support, including DSDI, DRDMW, DESBT, AusIndustry , ASPIRE PL and Chamber of Commerce EcoBiz. Many of their resources are free and can significantly benefit your business!

Always learning in this ever-changing world!


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