Australian Made Week 2024

It`s "Australian Made Week" and we're busting common myths about local manufacturing.

We often get asked about the benefits of local manufacturing over international options. We’ve found that many people still hold incorrect or outdated beliefs. At B & C Plastics, we're shaking things up by combining cutting-edge technology and unparalleled quality with a strong focus on recycling and developing sustainable solutions. Where recycled options are not appropriate, we manufacture in virgin materials.

Choosing Australian Manufacturing doesn't just support local jobs, it can also be a smart business decision for your Company.

Are you currently manufacturing overseas but facing rising transportation costs or complex supply chains? This "Australian Made Week", consider the benefits of bringing production back to Australia or diversify and split your risk by doing both.

B & C Plastics offers competitive solutions. We combine cutting-edge technology with a commitment to quality. This allows us to deliver exceptional products at competitive costs, with the added benefit of simplified logistics and faster response times.


B&C Plastics' Major Overhaul and Investment in Innovation


RLA / GLA Reunion Masterclass 2024