B&C Blog

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Natalie Williams Natalie Williams

Royston Kent Awarded Entrepreneur of the Year in 2019 EO Brisbane Awards

Spending the last 12-months on the EO and EOA Boards have been a catalyst for a number of changes in my Business and with my Leadership style. Both boards are made up of members volunteering their time as a give back to the EO community, I believe that the recognition received was due to the incredible human beings around me.

Thank you to everyone that has been on this Journey.

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Natalie Williams Natalie Williams

Plastic Waste vs. Recyclable Plastic

Can you name a new invention you feel you couldn’t live without? Topping many people’s lists are smart phones, the Internet, cars, and air conditioning. Though these inventions are relatively recent, it’s difficult to imagine society functioning without them.

Similarly, single-use plastic products have permeated everyday life. Society makes them hard to escape, and businesses make a huge profit off of them. So it’s little wonder we’re surround by single-use plastic products. They’re easy to use, easy to dispose of, and simpler than cleaning up dishes. In fact, some would say that we’re addicted to their convenience.

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Natalie Williams Natalie Williams

From rapid prototyping to rapid growth

Transforming an idea into a working product is an intricate process, one that requires foreknowledge of the procedures needed to take such a product from the design table to a market fit.

Central to this design-final product cycle is prototyping, and as you probably know, it’s an integral component of the drive to innovate for both the budding startup and the fully fledged enterprise.

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Natalie Williams Natalie Williams

3D printing your own home? It’s not just for plastics

Ten years ago and the prospect of 3D printing just about any object, using lean resources andfrom the comfort of your home would have been classified as tending towards the obscene than it was scientific.

Today, 3D printers are pretty much mainstream. As was postulated in your favourite sci-fi movie, we are using them to print everything from prototypes to toys, machine parts, and even body organs.But how about a step further, away from the realms of science fiction and straight into something much more ambitious and futuristic – 3D printing your home from start to finish.

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Natalie Williams Natalie Williams

How Google uses AI to increase efficiency

Over the last few years, the world as a whole has witnessed several quantum leaps in the quality of certain technologies. No longer does voice dialling ‘mum’ or ‘dad’ translate to calling a phantom ‘nun’ or nonexistent ‘pad,’ our mobile devices are smarter now.

We can communicate better with them and more impressively they’re learning to respond intelligently, almost like humans will. At the foundations of this improved efficiency in the functioning of voice recognition and other conventional technologies are the not so conventional technological marvels – Artificial intelligence and machine learning

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